Toña Zubia
  How and where do you find inspiration throughout your day, and what has that inspiration compelled you to do in your life?    I would say my main sources of inspiration are people watching, eavesdropping and also interacting with those around
  What challenges have you met in chasing that inspiration?    I’ve had a hard time accepting that there is not one thing that I am completely passionate about.  I don’t think I’ll ever be one of those people who can totally devote themselv
  Do you have a specific space that helps you feel inspired? What does it look and feel like?   I wouldn’t say that I have one specific space that helps me feel inspired.  I do really enjoy sitting in my kitchen on my yellow stool.  The apa
  Who do you have a girl crush?    The two of you [Jen and Genevieve], for sure!  And I’m really not just saying that to be nice.  I think what the two of you are doing here is fantastic.  You both are so positive and I’m so glad
  What’s a fantastic piece of advice you have been given in your life, and who gave it to you?   I used to get so pissed off when my mother would say “I know you’re having a difficult time dealing with so & so… (this could have been a boss, boyfr
  Who is the person in your life that helps fuel love and creativity, and how does he or she do so?   My mother.  She is my constant when it comes to reminding me to find what I really enjoy doing & do it.  She’s always been supportive
  Do you consider yourself a feminist, and how do you define what that means?    I actually call myself the worst feminist ever.  I am going to make a generalization here but the following is an attitude that I so often see and can’t get be
  Tell me something pretty .  Start where you are now. Do what you need to do for this moment only. 
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