Melinda Martin-Burgess
  Hi! What shall we call you?   Melinda…my best Moons call me Moon.   Where are you from, and how did you make your way to where you are now?   I’m from right here! It has always felt right to be here so I never left and don’t think I ever will.
  What do you do that you love?   I have finally found what I love to do! I am a Doula. The greatest thing about that is I get to spend time with powerful, beautiful, amazing women and watch them become mamas! I love knowing that because my journey a
  How and where do you find inspiration throughout your day, and what has that inspiration compelled you to do in your life?    I find most my inspiration these days comes from within myself. I have family to live for. My happiness makes them ha
  If you had the opportunity to ask her anything, what would it be?   What are your fears?   Who/what is your “spirit animal” (who or what exhibits characteristics you would like to embody? This could reflect the person you are today, or the person y
  What book have you read in the last year that you love?   Birthing From Within by Pam England -best birth book ever! I would love to  WILL become a birthing from within mentor someday!  UPDATE ALERT. I did it. I’m doing it. In March
  What challenges have you encountered in your life that are linked to your gender?   No man will ever truly understand the pain of childbirth/mothering and why we are so strong!   Do you consider yourself a feminist, and how do you define what that
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