How did you come to do what you do?     I was just kind of drifting around working in an art supply store and I had discovered Juxtapose magazine. I fell in love with what I was looking at and sort of abruptly decided to start a gallery so we coul
   What do you love about yourself?     I lead (what I think is) the coolest, funnest life of anyone I know, and I created that life myself.     What don’t you love about yourself?     I think I can be a bit self involved sometimes. I can be very sel
   Talk about an instance that made you feel vulnerable:     I have a few of those moments every day. I do now know what I’m doing in certain areas, but I also subscribe to the notion that we are all these fragile beings just trying to figure things
   What’s a meaningful piece of advice you have been given, and who gave it to you?    I’m not sure it’s “advice”, but my Dad would question ‘Who’s to stop me?’ often, usually when he was parking illegally or something… it was often said sort of joki
  What advice would you share with that former self?   Oh my god, looking back I see I was such a dorkishly cute, true hearted kid. I’d tell that girl that all those nights alone dreaming would forge her into someone thoughtful and deep an that would
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