April Pride Allison
   Are you creatively fulfilled by what you do?     More than anything I’ve ever done. Aside from LEGOS.  
   When you’re having a bad day / week / month, how do you harness that inspiration and keep creating?     Asking how it gets better. Not when. The magic is in the little things that compel and propel you to move forward.        Where else do you fin
   When do you feel the most yourself? Why?       Without a plan. I believe in magic.     When do you feel the least yourself? Why?      On Day 3 without my kids. They are my magic.
   What do you love about yourself?     I am less black and white smart but outstanding in the gray, which makes me clever. Not at everything but if you could choose one thing to have on a deserted island, I would be a good pick whether you want to l
   What don’t you love about yourself and why?     Although I love scheming and living in the gray, I can be very black and white. Problem solving people as a creative exercise can be a double edged sword. There is a lot of empathy and a lot of criti
   Describe your greatest professional achievement:     Total. Career. Overhaul.     Describe your greatest personal achievement:     Ten years- and counting- of marriage. 
   Talk about an instance that made you feel vulnerable, unprepared, and/or scared:     Driving my oldest son home from the hospital. We pulled over in the garage for an hour. (We live less than ten minutes from said hospital.) I knew my husband and
   Who are you intimidated by? Why?     Alicia Hatch. Here’s the big stuff: She is raising four radical boys and scaling/selling businesses all while sober for, like, ever. And she goes to church every Sunday. The little stuff she simply doesn’t swea
   At what age did you feel most vulnerable/uncomfortable in your skin, and why?     From conscious memory until age 35. Growing pains.      What advice would you share with that former self?     Relax.      Tell me something pretty. A quote, a
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